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  • Irving Farm Blackstrap Espresso Ground

Irving Farm Blackstrap Espresso Ground

We love the way this espresso dances with layers of aromas and flavors, all announcing themselves in the thick viscous crema.

Tasting Notes: Heavy, Molasses, Caramel


COUNTRY:      Brazil, El Salvador & Ethiopia

REGION:         Mogiana, Ahuachapan & Yirgacheffe

ELEVATION:   1200 – 1900 Meters

VARIETY:        Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Catimor, Icatu, Mondo Novo, Pacas, Typica & Heirloom

PROCESS:       Natural & Washed



In Italy, an espresso is defined by 4 things, sometimes referred to as the "4 M"s: Machina, Mano, Macinazione and Miscela. In English these translate to Machine, Hand, Grinder and Blend. This blend, named for the viscous sweetness in molasses, is a twist on a traditional Italian espresso blend, and we find it comes vividly to life when applied to the Macinazione, Mano and Machina. Soft, sweet Brazilian coffee serves as the base and gives the espresso its rich, velvety, heavy mouth-feel. We use the Latin American to add complexity and just a touch of acidity to keep it lively on the palate. Finally, the Yirgacheffe is added for sweetness and citric aromatics.

We love the way this espresso dances with layers of aromas and flavors, all announcing themselves in the thick viscous crema. Blackstrap is especially well suited to traditional combinations with milk, whether you prefer a small, more coffee-focused cappuccino, or the the sweeter, creamier cafe latte.  

5 lbs per bag



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